Which rooms and home items do Brits desire most?
The additional rooms and home items Brits desire most in their homes have been revealed in a new survey of 2,000 members of the British public. Social media data has also been analysed to show the most popular rooms and home items Brits are talking about right now.
Check out the most popular additional rooms and features for your house, including kitchen islands, heated flooring, and bifold doors. Enhance these desired spaces even further with stylish and functional window treatments like wooden blinds or roller blinds to create the perfect ambience.
From home cinemas and gyms to swimming pools and garden pubs, what room would you add to your house if money wasn’t an object? The rooms Brits desire most in their homes have been revealed, with swimming pools taking the top spot.
1. Swimming pool - 18.5%
A swimming pool was the top choice of additional rooms for Brits. Women were more likely to want a swimming pool at 1 in 5, compared to around 1 in 6 men, but swimming pools were the most desired extra room for men and women in the UK.
2. Summer house - 9.4%
Sticking with the summer theme is a summer house, the second most sought-after addition to Brits' houses. Those over 45 desired summer houses more than all other age groups. Those in younger age brackets preferred cinema rooms, gyms, and libraries, while all brackets chose swimming pools as their most desired room.
3. Cinema room - 9.2%
The third most desired room in our homes is a cinema room. Men were twice as likely to want a cinema room than women at 12.7% compared to 6.7%, respectively. Women preferred walk-in closets to cinema rooms and summer houses, while men preferred a cinema room to a summer house.
1. Office/study - 9.72
Annual Google Searches: 896,000
Instagram posts: 10,342,825
TikTok views: 8,200,000,000
Home offices and studies are the most popular rooms on social media. Unsurprisingly, home offices saw an influx in popularity during the Covid pandemic as many people began to work from home. With remote work here to stay, home offices have pulled in 8.2 billion views on TikTok. This is on top of 10 million Instagram posts and almost 900,000 annual Google searches in the UK.
2. Gym - 8.89
Annual Google Searches: 139,100
Instagram posts: 5,094,213
TikTok views: 5,400,000,000
Home Gyms also proved to be immensely popular on social media. Over the last 12 months, Brits have searched for home gyms over 139,000 times. There are also over 5 million posts on Instagram with #homegym, and the hashtag has pulled in a whopping 5.4 billion TikTok views.
3. Playroom - 7.72
Annual Google Searches: 30,000
Instagram posts: 1,341,186
TikTok views: 1,200,000,000
Playrooms are the third most popular room on social media, recording 1.2 billion TikTok views and 1.3 million Instagram posts. Playrooms have been searched for on Google over 30,000 times by Brits in the last year.
From kitchen appliances and indoor tech to lighting - the most desired home items in the UK have been revealed. Heated flooring takes the top spot, followed by aircon and kitchen islands.
1. Heated flooring - 43.4%
Heated flooring was the most desired home addition, with over 4 in 10 Brits wanting this feature. Women were more likely to choose heated flooring at 45.9% compared to men at 40.1%, but heated flooring was the most desired feature for both men and women.
2. Air conditioning - 28.8%
Air conditioning was second in the UK’s most desired home devices. Men were much more keen on air conditioning than women, with over a third of men asking for this device compared to a quarter of women. Air conditioning was the most popular device for 18-24 year olds.
3. Kitchen island - 27.2%
A kitchen island, a countertop in the centre of your kitchen accessible from all sides, is the UK's third most desired home feature. Both men and women placed kitchen islands as their third most desired home addition.
1. Kitchen Island - 8.89
Annual Google Searches: 500,200
Instagram posts: 1,337,914
TikTok views: 330,300,000
According to social media, kitchen islands are the most popular home features. In the last 12 months, Brits have searched for kitchen islands over half a million times, raking in over a million Instagram posts and 330 million TikTok views.
2. Air conditioning - 7.50
Annual Google Searches: 167,500
Instagram posts: 1,450,762
TikTok views: 294,800,000
Air Conditioning, commonly called aircon, is the second most talked about home feature on social media. Aircon receives over 167,000 searches from Brits annually, pulling in 294 million TikTok views and 1.5 million Instagram posts.
3. Bifold doors - 8.33
Annual Google Searches: 601,600
Instagram posts: 181,784
TikTok views: 96,200,000
Bifold Doors rank as the third most popular home feature on social media. These doors can bring much-desired light into your home and have pulled over 600,000 annual Google searches alongside 96 million TikTok views and 181,000 Instagram posts.
Most UK cities decided that a swimming pool was the addition to their home they wanted the most, despite the famous dreary weather of the UK. The Northern Irish and Scottish cities of Belfast and Glasgow were the only ones in the UK not to crave a swimming pool at their home.
A survey was sent out to 2,000 Brits in December 2023 (1,146 women and 853 men) asking the questions:
- If money wasn't an object, which of the following rooms would you most like to add to your home?
- Which of the following items/gadgets would you most like to add to your home?
Rooms and features were then analysed on their popularity across social media based on the number of hashtags on Instagram, views on TikTok, and search volume over the last 12 months in the UK. Summer houses were removed from social media analysis due to semantic overlap with other keywords.